Thursday, March 3, 2011

The social clique and purchasing power.

It really amazes me sometimes the purchasing power of a social entity. We saw this last year in one of my online social circles with the whole "Franklin Goose" debacle.

Company giving out 5.00 for reviews. Use the 5.00 for purchasing their own products.
And it went wild. Like fire on a southern California hillside in October.  In the day and age of purchasing power on the internet a comment (either pro or against) can make or break a company.

I recently made the mistake about raving about a yarn club (of all things) and how amazing the dyer was. She was inundated with notes which led to (and no I'm not joking) closing and canceling my membership.

Since I work for a Fortune 500, it comes to me as a surprise that a relatively small company/dyer would have such a reaction....but after reading her response which was essentially (I dont want people like you having my yarn) I think I saved myself another addiction and heaven forbid problems down the road when her customer service get's worse.

1 comment:

Ravelry Friends! said...

wow. I take it that it is the dyer that your post is tagged with???

we miss you, where have you been?