Punks, goths, knitting? Pointy sticks and chicks who wear black? COUNT ME IN. Well that and they werent afraid to say anything...hm while I'm thinking about it maybe I SHOULD label this blog PG-13.
Anyway, so I'm anxiously awaiting my new spinning wheel. I had bought an Ashford Traveler, and... well we've never bonded. She doesnt like me, she acts up, and frankly I've never been impressed by her behavior. So I gave up/in/out, and sold her to a fabulous woman in my spinning group. In the meantime.... I ordered my rose. My beautiful, majacraft rose. See when I first spun on a friends I was in awe, and rather than just woman up and spend 1000.0 I hemmed and hawed and didnt get one. And where am I 4 months later? Selling the traveler (after dumping 250.00 INTO it for a double treadle kit, some bobbins, oil, flyer, etc) and buying a Rose. What does that mean? Get what you want in the first place.
It's supposed to ship soon......
In the meantime, the wonderful person put a deposit on my traveler, and I can still spin on her. Heaven forbid if I had to go weeks without spinning. I might have to *gasp* knit.
I'm also reading a decent amount. My beautiful husband got me a kindle last year, and It's done
I of course finished it in one evening...so I have the new Kim Harris book on there, and I'm re-reading the Outlander series since I think I read up to 4, and then stopped.... and I'm one of those sick re-read the book series people.
I'm honestly trying to find time to knit because there are so many beautiful projects I want to work on, but there isnt *time*. However since it's summer time and tv shows are on hiatus (with the exception of True Blood in a few weeks *bounce*) it'll leave more time for knitting? Right? I need more arms. Then I could spin and knit at the same time.... and maybe a 5th to hold a book :)
too funny...I found you somehow while looking for a spinderella fibers I bought some fiber from forever ago...and you totally sound like me. major boo to the last stackhouse book..i preordered it on my kindle, and then it was there on the release date! wahoo!
oh and now i feel like a moron...this was posted 3 years ago ROFL!
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